Thursday, May 7, 2009


SAY GOOD BYE TO THE BAD GUY "A GANGSTERS STORY" PART 1 INTRO "Thoughts of a Successful Hustler" My life is burden by the fact of an early end, 99% of the time I'm trying to out think the government, or trying to predict the betrayal of close friends: Charlatans conceal envy, with only one thing on their mind; hoping that they will get their chance to shine , when it's my death or prison time: Girls flock around me in groups; men surround me armed ready to shoot: I can buy whatever is in a millionaires reach: even though I moved into a two million dollor home, I still crave to hang in the hood with my peeps; I have a fear to drive through the city in the same car with my wife and son: because I would hate for them to be repaid for something that I had previously done: But from the outside looking in, I appear to be living great: I own a six car fleet, my family is beautiful, we have access to millions, living on a multi-million dollar estate: But the reality of it all is, I wish I could start my life all over again; I would keep my family, give back my money, and hopefully earase the envy out of the hearts of my friends: I know this may sound like a joke, but my happiest memories come from the time when I was broke: Don't get me wrong, there's nothing sweet about being poor, but before I had my Rolex, my Benz or my house, when a person displayed their love for me, I knew I was all that they saw. My line of work has close friends working to turn me in, while others conspire about my death. And since the streets have already taken my freedom to enjoy my success, I often wonder what will it take next................................

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